Carole’s Independent Limousine and Alternative Tours Company

IMG_0494New car!  I’m hoping to do a lot more traveling in this one.  I’m so ready for a good old road trip.  Though winter is coming on in Minnesota and the flea markets, yard sales and all are slowing down, in some parts of the country just south of here, the markets are still going strong.  However, the estate sales go all year round.  This all-wheel-drive vehicle is better to get around on those snowy days too.


This luxury Lincoln also comes with a huge back end for carrying  stuff.  There is certainly more room than the old Mercury, which had a big trunk as well.    Let’s not forget about our friends on the Minnehaha Mile who’s shops are rescuing and re-purposing and sharing this knowledge with the world through their wonderful workshops for all ages so that our future generations may someday do away with the landfills and waste that was created during our years of mad consumerism and throw-away society.                                                                                                        .